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Rescue Diver, handling emergencies

and difficult situations, over and underwater

The madagascar national parks students learn to put all the diving gear together
WWF dive students happy to go diving
Briefing on the beach, boat on mooring
The WWF students and the Atimoo Diving flag
Diving initiation in swimming pool
Before that, it was the Advanced Open Water course

The course

rescue diver students at knowledge review
Knowledge review

This formation prepares divers to manage diving emergencies. You'll learn techniques of rescue and assistance, what to do in case of emergency, and also to prevent diving emergencies and anticipate them. . This third PADI level is quite a rescue at sea certification. It takes a 4 -5 days training periode .

You must : be 15 years old at least, be a certified Advanced Open Water diver, have intended a formation to primary cares with CPR within the last two years .

You can intend such a formation in our diving school. You'll get the EFR certification (Emergency first response)

This formation is mainly practical. It includes :

-10 practical skills at sea

-2 whole scenarii of sea rescue

-theoritical course divided in four chapters :self-assistance and stress of the diver,first help in diving,preparation and management of an emergency,equipment.
and then a 60 questions CQM, just to make sure you've got everything.

Current price including certification : 1,750,000Ar /389€


You can learn all the theory an take the examns of the Rescue Diver course at home, by internet, thanks to the PADI eLearning. Click the link and just let it go!

Sign up for our PADI Open Water Diver eLearning now!

and after comes the Dive master

